
Just a quick blog...

to say that my classes are awesome! Work is going really well too, but it's nice to have a night where I didn't head right from work to class. Tuesday is the roughest--but hey, Joel's been working 90 hours a week and taking classes for all this time, so I suppose I can survive without complaining too much.

In other news, Becca and I went to IHOP Sunday and saw Ricky Schroeder eating breakfast there, I guess he comes in every friday and sunday. Mr. T apparently eats at the Denny's--I guess they had some sort of falling out after the whole Silver Spoons ordeal, and that's why they now frequent different breakfast places. It's a fascinating place, this city of Scottsdale.

That's about it, but let me leave you with this: "In the Kingdom of the Noun and the Verb, all other parts of speech are but vassals."

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