
"If God created everything then He must have created evil also" [2/4]

To be perfectly honest, the best answer that I can give you is that God created the world He created, and that world has a lot of terrible experiences in it that don't make sense. As a follower of Jesus, I can take comfort when I suffer for my proclamation of Him, even if I were to suffer terribly for it. But, for the child who is kidnapped and killed for no other reason that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time; for the wife and mother who is paralyzed in a drive-by shooting for no other reason that that others enjoy causing misery; for the tribe that is wiped out by a neighboring people for no other reason than an ancient feud, the details of which are nearly forgotten--for these things I see no justification, 'no sanctification through suffering.'

[end part 2 of 4]

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